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Journal of Vestibular Research - Volume 20, issue 3-4

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Price: EUR 160.00
ISSN 0957-4271 (P)
ISSN 1878-6464 (E)

Impact Factor 2024: 2.9

The Journal of Vestibular Research is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes experimental and observational studies, review papers, and theoretical papers based on current knowledge of the vestibular system, and letters to the Editor.

The subjects of the studies can include experimental animals, normal humans, and humans with vestibular or other related disorders.
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A message from the Journal of Vestibular Research

Table of Contents and Guide to Abstract Numbers

Introduction to the XXVI Bárány Society Meeting

General Information

Social Program

2nd Bárány Society Teaching Day

Wednesday, August 18 Vestibular Rehabilitation Day

Program: XXVI Bárány Society Meeting


Oral Sessions