Note: [] Korrespondenzadresse: Priv.-Doz. Dr. phil. Dr. rer. med. habil.
Ulrich Wiesmann, Institut für Medizinische Psychologie, Universität
Greifswald, Walther-Rathenau-Straße 48, D-17487 Greifswald. Tel.:
03834/865603; Fax: 03834/865605; E-mail:
Abstract: We are presenting our pre-clinical tutorial
"Practice-oriented Applications" as part of the
Medical Psychology Seminar at Greifswald University. Our innovations include
"real life" training in the psychological problem
areas of medical practice through realistic student-led examinations of
simulation patients and presentations of scientific project reports at a
student congress. Students worked on one of four problem areas regarding
content, practice, and research: 1) medical pain history for chronic back pain
patients, 2) motivational interviewing for addiction cases, 3) shared
decision-making with depression patients, and 4) breaking bad news to cancer
patients. Overall, the students (n = 189) evaluated the pre-clinical tutorial
positively. The final student congress manifested a valuable diversity of
quantitative, qualitative, and didactical research reports. We feel encouraged
to follow up this perspective in medical psychological education.
Keywords: Medical education , communication training, research training, evaluation