With this issue of the JVR, there are several changes in the Editorial Board. Pierre-Paul Vidal has relinquished his position as a member of the Editorial Board. Paul Smith also has relinquished his position on the Editorial Board. Sergio Carmona has also relinquished his position on the Editorial Board.
Dr. Vidal has served on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Vestibular Research since for more than 20 years. Dr. Smith has served on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Vestibular Research for more than 20 years. Dr. Carmona has served on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Vestibular Research since Volume 23.
Our new Editorial Board members include Dr. David Szmulewicz, Dr. Raymond van de Berg, and Dr. Dario Yacovino. Collectively, these three new editorial members span three continents and provide expertise on the Editorial Board from both neuro-otology and oto-neurology.
I also wish to thank each and every member of the Editorial Board of JVR for their work maintaining and improving the quality of the Journal. Editorial Board members regularly are asked to assist with the peer review process and to advocate for the Journal. Their efforts are very much appreciated.
And finally, I wish to thank all those members of the vestibular research community who have volunteered their time to review manuscripts submitted to JVR. Their efforts enable JVR to continue as a peer-reviewed forum devoted exclusively to vestibular research.