Author Index Volume 103 (2017)
Ammari, K., F. Shel and M. Vanninathan, Feedback stabilization of a simplified model of fluid–structure interaction on a tree (1,2) 33– 55
Bresch, D. and M. Renardy, Development of congestion in compressible flow with singular pressure (1,2) 95–101
Chabu, V., Semiclassical analysis of the Schrödinger equation with conical singularities (4) 165–220
Delourme, B., S. Fliss, P. Joly and E. Vasilevskaya, Trapped modes in thin and infinite ladder like domains. Part 1: Existence results (3) 103–134
Fliss, S., see Delourme, B. (3) 103–134
Ikehata, R., Fast energy decay for wave equations with a localized damping in the n-D half space (1,2) 77– 94
Joly, P., see Delourme, B. (3) 103–134
Kachmar, A. and M. Nasrallah, On the Ginzburg–Landau energy with a magnetic field vanishing along a curve (3) 135–163
Khader, M. and B. Said-Houari, On the decay rate of solutions of the Bresse system with Gurtin–Pipkin thermal law (1,2) 1– 32
Langenau, H., Asymptotically sharp inequalities for polynomials involving mixed Gegenbauer norms (4) 221–233
Miranville, A., W. Saoud and R. Talhouk, Asymptotic behavior of a model for order-disorder and phase separation (1,2) 57– 76
Nasrallah, M., see Kachmar, A. (3) 135–163
Renardy, M., see Bresch, D. (1,2) 95–101
Said-Houari, B., see Khader, M. (1,2) 1– 32
Saoud, W., see Miranville, A. (1,2) 57– 76
Shel, F., see Ammari, K. (1,2) 33– 55
Talhouk, R., see Miranville, A. (1,2) 57– 76
Vanninathan, M., see Ammari, K. (1,2) 33– 55
Vasilevskaya, E., see Delourme, B. (3) 103–134