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Journal of Medical Psychology - Volume 22, issue 1

open access

Open Access

ISSN 2468-3884 (P)
ISSN  2468-3892 (E)

This journal has discontinued. Volume 25 was the last complete volume of the Journal of Medical Psychology.

The Journal of Medical Psychology publishes articles (original research, brief reports, and reviews) from all aspects of medical psychology. This involves research on clinical psychology, neuropsychology, behavioral medicine, biological psychology, and neuroscience. Specifically, we encourage submissions involving small, highly innovative studies, using behavioral neuroscience and bio-behavioral approaches (e.g. neuroimaging, fMRI, MEG, etc.), and studies applying  the translational (cross-diagnostic) approaches such as those outlined in the NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoc). 

Open Access fees are waived for papers submitted in 2017.

This journal is an international, English-language relaunch of a previous reputable German-language journal called “Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie,” published in collaboration with AKA Verlag.

The contents of Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie are here.

Launch of the Journal of Medical Psychology