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Accidents related to the use of products and services in the city of São Luis, Brazil


This article presents a study on the accidents related to the use of products and services, as recorded at two emergency hospitals at the city São Luís, Brazil. The goal of the study was to evaluate the main types and causes of unintentional acccidents as well as the more frequent injuries for further improvement of products and services. The study evaluated the victims profile (gender and age), the circumstances (activity, local and time) that lead to the accidents and the type of resulted injury. Non-parametric statistics showed that 83.64% of the accidents were related to products (57.6% of them being consumer products) and 8.6% are related to maintenance services. 57.6% of the victims were children under 15 years old, and 58.4% were male. 50.2% of accidents occurred at home, more often (44.7%) in the afternoon. The most common injuriy was musculoesqueletal (48.6%), 49.0% being cranioencephalic trauma and 15.2% fractures.