List of Reviewers
The IJDS Board of Editors wish to acknowledge, with gratitude, the following scholars who served as reviewers for papers submitted to the International Journal of Developmental Science in 2019.
The Board of Editors
Dirk Baier
Rebecca Bondü
Laura Brumariu
Jonas Buren
Hugo Cogo-Moreira
Molly Copeland
Angela Crossmann
Wolfgang Friedlmeier
Laura Gallardo
Werner Greve
Elena Grigorenko
Sören Kliem
Imre Lahdelma
Marlies Maes
Rachel Miller-Slough
Luca Pancani
Noel Purdy
Anja Schultze-Krumbholz
Monika Sommer
Mark Stemmler
Suzanne Stewart
Crystal Tran
Joris Van Ouytsel
Sebastian Wachs
Shanna Williams
Peter Zurek