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Journal of Pediatric Neurology - Volume 3, issue 2

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The Journal of Pediatric Neurology is an English multidisciplinary peer-reviewed medical journal publishing articles in the fields of child neurology, pediatric neurosurgery, pediatric neuroradiology, child psychiatry and pediatric neuroscience.

The Journal of Pediatric Neurology encourages submissions from authors throughout the world. The following articles will be considered for publication: editorials, original and review articles, rapid communications, case reports, letters to the editor and book reviews. The aim of the journal is to share and disseminate knowledge between all disciplines that work in the field of pediatric neurology.
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The Kleine-Levin syndrome

The Kleine-Levin syndrome

Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50

X-linked West Syndrome and mental retardation

Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50

Hypoglycemia associated with brain d…

Price: EUR 27.50