Affiliations: [a] Institute for Occupational Medicine, Safety and Ergonomics (ASER) at the University of Wuppertal, Germany | [b] Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Dresden, Germany | Ergonomics Division, University of Siegen, D-57068 Siegen, Germany
Address for correspondence: H. Gebhardt, Institut ASER e.V. an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, Corneliusstr. 31, D-42329 Wuppertal, Germany. Tel.: +49 202 731 000; Fax: +49 202 731 184; E-mail:
Abstract: The present article summarizes essential results of the research project ``Testing of the application of the Predicted-Heat-Strain-(PHS-)model for the design of work-rest-cycles while working in hot environment'' which has been executed on behalf of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA). A pragmatic proposal has been tested on the basis of laboratory experiments and model calculations using the PHS-Model according to ISO 7933. The results show, that the pragmatic proposal could be verified either by physiological measurements and also by the PHS-Model. A procedure to calculate required cooling phases is presented. Based on the results, a guideline is presented, which may be used for the design of work-rest-cycles for work in hot environments.
Keywords: Work-rest cycles, PHS-Model, working in warm and hot environments, model calculations