Authors: Strasser, Helmut
Article Type:
Research Article
Fundamental knowledge of anthropometric dimensions and biomechanical properties, of the capacities, as well as limitations, of the human sensory organs and the hand-arm system, i.e., comprehensive work-physiological knowledge of the characteristics of the human organism, always was, and will still in the future remain, a prerequisite for the truly ergonomic design of workplaces and work tools. Especially in Germany, work physiology represents the nucleus of today's work science or ergonomics. Besides the tasks and objectives of work physiology in ergonomics education, the principles of work-physiological research approaches are described. When evaluating workplaces and work tools, measuring physiological cost which the
…organism or the organs have to pay must be quantified. Similar to heart rate increases above the resting level associated with whole-body dynamic muscle work, the physiological cost of the muscles involved in repetitive manual movements, and the operating of hand-held tools or computer input devices can be measured via multi-channel electromyography. Physiological costs of sound exposures can be quantified in temporary hearing threshold shifts and their restitution, and physiological cost to the eyes is represented, for example, in varying levels of accommodation, adaptation, and fixation. Thinking in terms of physiological cost of work guarantees safe guidance in order to achieve human-oriented working conditions. According to recent developments in acts, ordinances, directions, and regulations in Europe, ergonomics has gained a high rank, but successful ergonomic interactions depend on comprehensive knowledge and experience, and require core competency in work-physiology as well as in ergonomics work design.
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Keywords: work physiology, ergonomics, research and education, future challenges, physiological costs associated with work
DOI: 10.3233/OER-2003-3103
Citation: Occupational Ergonomics,
vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 19-44, 2003
Price: EUR 27.50