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Information Services & Use - Volume 6, issue 4

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Price: EUR 115.00
ISSN 0167-5265 (P)
ISSN 1875-8789 (E)

Information Services & Use is an information and information technology oriented publication with a wide scope of subject matters. International in terms of both audience and authorship, the journal aims at leaders in information management and applications in an attempt to keep them fully informed of fast-moving developments in fields such as: online systems, offline systems, electronic publishing, library automation, education and training, word processing and telecommunications. These areas are treated not only in general, but also in specific contexts; applications to business and scientific fields are sought so that a balanced view is offered to the reader.

'Information Services' are considered by the journal to comprise both the entities and the functions with which they are involved. These subjects are therefore considered as distinct from information uses which are concerned with service applications. Under this concept, the journal reports on intellectual processes for the organization of information, transformation techniques, media, economics and all varieties of support to services, including education and training. Education and training are also the essential elements for the other facet of the journal, the use of information. Information technology available, at the moment, is solutions waiting for problems.

Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50