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Advances in Communication and Swallowing - Volume 27, issue s1

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Price: EUR 220.00

ISSN  2772-5383 (P)
ISSN 2772-5391 (E)

Advances in Communication and Swallowing (ACS) is the official journal of the Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapists (IASLT), The aims of ACS are to:  publish original work of a clinical and/or theoretical nature in the areas of communication and swallowing; disseminate research of a high standard, nationally and internationally; add to the evidence base in the management of communication and swallowing disorders; and promote awareness of the research being conducted by IASLT members, collaborators and others, including of an interdisciplinary nature. 

ACS is a peer-reviewed journal which welcomes submissions from clinicians and researchers in areas including, speech, language, voice, fluency, communication and swallowing. It is multidisciplinary in nature with submissions considered from professional and scientific disciplines allied to speech and language pathology, such as linguistics, psychology, education, audiology, and medicine. The journal provides a platform for the sharing and exchange of information of a contemporary or historical nature, with communication and swallowing as the broad focus.