Affiliations: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica e delle
Telecomunicazioni, Facoltà di Ingegneria, V.le A. Doria 6, I95125,
Catania, Italy. Tel.: +39 095 738 2359; Fax: +39 095 738 2397; E-mail:
Abstract: Today, surfing on the net is not limited to the search of scientific
information, indeed a generic user is interested in different kinds of
information about business, music, travel and so on. When accessing web
documents, however, the lack of explicit structure does not facilitate in
understanding data semantics, thus the comprehension of logical organization of
web data relies on user's intuition of the underlying author's schema. In this paper, we present an approach to web structuring based on
the analysis of the structure and the semantics of both web pages and sites, in
order to discover and provide users with hidden schemas. Aimed benefits from
this work are to facilitate the navigation inside web documents/sites, to
promote the use of more powerful, semantic-based search methods and to allow
better pages/sites management and re-design.