Affiliations: Health Economist at the Austrian Health Institute
GÖG/ÖBIG, Vienna, Austria | Professor at the Andalusian School of Public Health
(EASP), Granada, Spain
Note: [] Corresponding author: Sabine Vogler, Gesundheit Österreich
GmbH / Österreichisches Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitswesen
(GÖG/ÖBIG), Stubenring 6, A 1010 Vienna, Austria. Tel.: +43 1
51561/147; E-mail:
Abstract: The EU-funded project Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement
Information (PPRI) offers country specific information on pricing and
reimbursement for numerous EU Member States and indicators for a comparative
analysis. This article presents relevant pharmaceutical pricing and
reimbursement information in a comparative analysis for 28 countries and also a
detailed description about the Spanish pricing and reimbursement system.