Combined Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry and Line Integral
Convolution Methods: Application to a Sphere Sedimenting Near a Wall in a
Non-Newtonian Fluid
Affiliations: School of Engineering, Cranfield University,
Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, U.K. E-mail: | Department of Chemical Engineering, Clemson
University, Clemson SC 29634, USA
Abstract: The flow fields for a sphere sedimenting through a Newtonian and two
non-Newtonian liquids near a wall in a square tank are investigated using 3-D
stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (PIV) and line integral convolution
(LIC) methods. The PIV data were taken using an angular stereoscopic
configuration with tilt and shift arrangements for the Scheimpflug condition
and a pair of liquid correction prisms. Data were recorded from planes
perpendicular and parallel to the wall for each fluid case over a range of
distances from the wall. The PIV and LIC results highlight significant
differences in the wake structure for all three cases. Out of plane flow was
also found to persist up to two sphere diameters downstream in the wake for all