Affiliations: Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology,
University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, USA
Note: [] Correspondence: Dr. Ronnie Guillet, University of Rochester
Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Rochester,
NY, USA. E-mail:
Abstract: The treatment of infants with antiepileptic medications after the
resolution of neonatal seizures is highly variable and controversial. Infants
are commonly treated with phenobarbital after their seizures have resolved to
prevent recurrence. Data to support this practice are lacking but animal models
suggest that the neonatal brain is vulnerable to repeated seizures. Yet
exposure of the developing brain to phenobarbital for prolonged periods may
have deleterious consequences. We discuss current clinical practice and present
information on risks and benefits of continued treatment with phenobarbital
after resolution of neonatal seizures.
Keywords: Phenobarbital, neonate, seizures, brain development