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Erratum to: Concept Mapping to Define Components for an Occupation-Based Intervention for Parkinson’s Disease and Anxiety

[Journal of Parkinsons Disease, 14(1) (2024) 181-195, DOI 10.3233/JPD-230150]

On page 185, some of the values in the published Table 1, in the column for “Care partners”, were incorrect. The corrected Table 3 is included below. The corrections don’t affect other tables, figures, empirical results and conclusions.

Table 1

Participant characteristics of respondents to demographic questions

CharacteristicAll participants (n = 83)People with Parkinson’s (n = 72)Care partners (n = 6)Occupational therapists (n = 5)
GenderMale34 (41%)32 (44%)1 (17%)1 (20%)
Female46 (55%)37 (52%)5 (83%)4 (80%)
Other (including transgender)3 (4%)3 (4%)00
35–44* years3 (4%)1 (1%)02 (40%)
45–64 years34 (41%)28 (39%)3 (50%)3 (60%)
65–74 years34 (41%)33 (46%)1 (17%)0
75 years and above12 (14%)10 (14%)2 (33%)0
Median years PD diagnosis duration (range)n/a5 (1.0–21.0)n/an/a

*No participants younger than this were involved in the study.