Affiliations: HydroGeoLogic Inc. 12343 Hymeadow Dr., STE 3B, Austin, TX
78750, USA | Kansas Geological Survey, 1930 Constant Ave., Campus
West, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66047, USA
Note: [] Corresponding author. E-mail:
Abstract: Sediment has been identified as a significant threat to water
quality and channel clogging that in turn may lead to river flooding. With the
increasing awareness of the impairment from sediment to water bodies in a
watershed, identifying the locations of the major sediment sources and reducing
the sediment through management practices will be important for an effective
watershed management. The annualized agricultural non-point source
pollution (AnnAGNPS) model and newly developed GIS interface for it were applied
in a small agricultural watershed, Redrock Creek watershed, Kansas, in this
pilot study for exploring the effectiveness of using this model as a management
tool. The calibrated model appropriately simulated monthly runoff and sediment
yield through the practices in this study and potentially suggested the ways of
sediment reduction through evaluating the changes of land use and field
operation in the model for the purpose of watershed management.