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Erratum to: Blood Pressure and Later-Life Cognition in Hispanic and White Adults (BP-COG): A Pooled Cohort Analysis of ARIC, CARDIA, CHS, FOS, MESA, and NOMAS

Deborah A. Levine, Alden L. Gross, Emily M. Briceño, Nicholas Tilton, Rachael Whitney, Dehua Han, Bruno J. Giordani, Jeremy B. Sussman, Rodney A. Hayward, James F. Burke, Mitchell S.V. Elkind, Andrew E. Moran, Sarah Tom, Rebecca F. Gottesman, Darrell J. Gaskin, Stephen Sidney, Kristine Yaffe, Ralph L. Sacco, Susan R. Heckbert, Timothy M. Hughes, Oscar L. Lopez, Norrina Bai Allen and Andrzej T. Galecki

[Journal of Alzheimers Disease, 89 (2022) 1103–1117, DOI 10.3233/JAD-220366]

On page 1105, there was an error in the second paragraph of the “Methods” section, “Study Design, participants, and measurements”. The first sentence of the second paragraph states:

“We included participants who had≥1 measurement of cognition and≥1 measurement of BP at or before the first cognition measurement.”

The sentence should instead read as follows:

“We included participants who had≥1 measurement of cognition and≥1 measurement of BP before the first cognition measurement.” This correction pertains to the description of our analytic sample and does not affect the results of the study or their interpretation.