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Shorter Adult Height is Associated with Poorer Cognitive Performance in Elderly Men with Type II Diabetes


We studied the relationship of adult body height with five cognitive outcomes (executive functioning, semantic categorization, attention/working memory, episodic memory, and an overall cognition measure) in 897 cognitively normal elderly with type 2 diabetes. Regression analyses controlling for sociodemographic, cardiovascular, and diabetes-related risk factors and depression demonstrated that in males, shorter stature was associated with poorer executive functioning (p = 0.001), attention/working memory (p = 0.007), and overall cognition (p = 0.016), but not with episodic memory (p = 0.715) or semantic categorization (p = 0.948). No relationship between height and cognition was found for females. In cognitively normal type 2 diabetes male subjects, shorter stature, a surrogate for early-life stress and poor nutrition, was associated with cognitive functions.