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ICGA treasure’s report for 2023

The ICGA Board has made continuous efforts to enlarge and strengthen the computer-games community but the competition with other activities is tough. The organization of the World Computer-Chess Championship, the Computer Olympiad, and the accompanying conference is an ever-lasting point of attention for the ICGA officials. Then the ICGA Journal is the most creditable legacy for ICGA members as well as for those who have interest in computer games. Such efforts have resulted in well organizing our ICGA events.

Jonathan Schaeffer, ICGA President, is negotiating on behalf of the ICGA Board with possible sponsors for the three ICGA events. He did so in the past several years. In 2023 we had two chess events at much lower cost than in the past. It was nice that the 2023 event is fully sponsored. The Olympiad has moved online and makes a small profit. Our conferences have moved online and essentially break even. The ICGA expects to see an increasing number of members in 2024 and hopes that the members will share many fruitful experiences in the computer-games community.

In Table 1, a statement is given of the financial position on December 31, 2023. Table 2 provides a summary of the income and expenditures for 2023. All figures are shown in Euro equivalent. The ICGA holds some of its money in Euros and Japanese yens.

The result of Table 1 means that the ICGA retained at 31 December 2023 an accumulated surplus of €32,301.

Table 1

Financial position as of 31 December 2023

Held in ICGA bank account as 1 January 202327,772
 Income and expenditure during 2023+ 5,396See Table 2 for the detail
 Bank interest on deposit+ 153
 Overbooking to current ING account−850
Held in ICGA bank account as 31 December 202332,471
 Subscriptions already received for 2024 or later−170
Net assets at 31 December 202332,301
Table 2

Income and expenditure from 1 January to 31 December 2023. Figures are approximate and in Euro equivalent

Saldo current account 1 January 2023321
Subscription income (42 online + 20 printed)2,240
Sponsorship events6,508
Conference papers ACG450
Computer Olympiad (66 entries)2,640
Costs IOS Press (ICGA Journal 2022 four issues)3,783
ICGA website109
World Computer Chess Championship2,561
Costs ING account220
Transfer provision90
Net cash flow over year+5,396