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New miRNA expression abnormalities in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma



Although the development of novel diagnostic and treatment strategies concerning laryngeal cancer is highly intensive, the survival rate remains virtually unchanged. Small non-coding RNAs appear to be very promising biomarkers - and so remain the focus of extensive investigation in laryngeal cancer.


We examined the expression of five miRNA and five genes related to cancer whether they could be potential laryngeal cancer biomarkers.


We performed an analysis in 47 patients diagnosed with laryngeal cancer. The qPCR technique was used to investigate the expression profile.


While miR-21-3p and miR-525-5p were found to be significantly up-regulated, miR-139-3p and miR-885-5p expression is lower in laryngeal cancer. Moreover, PIK3R1 and HACE1 were found to be also down-regulated.


The change in miRNA expression is frequent than the expression of other tested genes. The expression of passenger strands such as miR-21-3p and miR-139-3p, which are rarely investigated, is also significantly affected in laryngeal cancer. While PIK3R1, HACE1, miR-139-3p, and miR-885-5p may act as tumor suppressor genes in the studied tumour type, miR-21-3p and miR-525-5p seem to have oncogenic properties. Our findings suggest that miR-885-5p and PIK3R1 are the best indicators for the classification of laryngeal cancer tissue and normal mucosa.



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