Abstract: This work was performed by the importance of exploring possible medications for COVID-19 pandemic. In this regard, cytidine (Cyd) derivatives were investigated to reach a point to see their benefit of employing for the purpose. Each of halogenated models of Cyd including CydF, CydCl, CydBr, and CydI were investigated in addition to the original CydH model. Density functional theory (DFT) based quantum processing were performed to obtain stabilized structures in addition to evaluation of frontier molecular orbitals features. Next, molecular docking (MD) simulations were performed to reach a point of formations of interacting ligand-target complexes. Among the investigated models CydH…and CydI were working better than other model for reaching the purpose of this work, in which the derived CydI model was indeed the ligand with the highest suitability for formation of ligand-target complexes. As a consequence, such ligands of original and halogenated Cyd models might work for inhibition of main protease (MPro) enzyme of COVID-19 based on the obtained meaningful vales for complex strengths in addition interacting with the amino acids of active site. More precisely, the CydI model could be proposed as promising ligand for showing the inhibitory effects towards the MPro target of COVID-19.
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Keywords: Coronavirus, COVID-19, cytidine, enzyme inhibition, In silico
Abstract: A list of coumarin derivatives (A-P) were investigated in this work for recognizing their reactivity features and their functions towards the monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme biomarkers. In this regard, the models showed that he additional of molecular groups to the original scaffold of coumarin could significantly change the reactivity features leading to various tendency for contributing to reactions with other substances. In this case, were varied based on the obtained values of chemical hardness and softness parameters. Subsequently, formations of interacting ligand-target complexes indicated the coumarin derivatives could work as selective substances for interacting with each of MAOA (D) and…MAOB (L) enzyme biomarkers, in which a common substance (E) was also observed for formation of interacting complexes with both of MAOA and MAOB targets. As a consequence, the models of coumarin were seen suitable for interacting with the MAO enzyme biomarkers with the purposes of detection and medication. All required information of this work were obtained in the in silico medium.
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Keywords: Coumarin, monoamine oxidase, inhibitor, biomarker, in silico