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Journal of Resources, Energy and Development - Volume 13, issue 1-2

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Price: EUR 75.00
ISSN 0975-7554 (P)
ISSN 0975-7562 (E)

The biannual publication Journal of Resources, Energy and Development focuses on research and integration of knowledge at the interface of resources and development. It provides a forum for comprehensive investigation, analysis, and review of subjects in the field of energy, environment, and natural resource management that confront decision-makers, planners, consultants, politicians, and researchers.

It deals with theoretical and methodological issues and case studies on the interrelationships among development, human activity, and resource use; explores sustainability issues and transitions; and facilitates dialogues between the scientific community and the society at large.

Only original articles based on policy research and rigorous analysis are published.

Journal of Resources, Energy and Development is published by TERI Press teri.logo


Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50