Affiliations: ZPHU – Zentrum für Psychotherapie,
HU-Berlin | Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik der Charité im
St. Hedwig-Krankenhaus Berlin
Note: [] Korrespondenzadresse: Prof. Dr. Thomas Fydrich,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Psychologie, Rudower
Chaussee 18, 12489 Berlin. Tel.: 030 2093 9307; E-Mail:
Abstract: There is a considerable lack of research concerning the mental
health of immigrants in Germany. Studies related to this topic have usually
been based exclusively on questionnaire data and have not used standardized
instruments for the categorical assessment of disorders according to ICD-10 or
DSM-IV. A convenience sample of 100 patients of Turkish origin was taken in two
general physicians' practices. The patient assessment included
psychometric instruments (SCL-14, CES-D, F-SozU, FAKKS-T) and the IDCL
("International Checklist for Diagnoses according to
ICD-10") for the standardized assessment of ICD-10 diagnoses.
Compared to German samples, the assessed immigrant population showed an
increased number of psychological symptoms and a higher rate (45%) of mental
disorders. Most prevalent were anxiety and depressive disorders. The study also
indicates a higher rate of mental disorders among women (55%) than among men
(35%) as well as a higher subjective psychological distress among the female
Keywords: Immigrants, mental health, mental disorders, categorical assessment, social support