Testgüte-Vergleich von zwei Instrumenten zur
Krankheitsverarbeitung in der kardiologischen Rehabilitation – Trierer Skalen
zur Krankheitsbewältigung (TSK) und Freiburger Fragebogen zur
Krankheitsverarbeitung (FKV)
Subtitle: Comparison of two coping questionnaires in
cardiological rehabilitation – the 'Trierer Skalen zur
Krankheitsbewältigung' (TSK) and the 'Freiburger Fragebogen zur
Krankheitsverarbeitung' (FKV)
Affiliations: Institut für Medizinische Psychologie,
Universitätsklinikum Münster (UKM), Von-Esmarch- Straße 52,
48149 Münster. E-Mail: muthny@uni-muenster.de
Abstract: Two common German coping questionnaires, the 'Trierer Skalen zur
Krankheitsbewältigung' (TSK, Klauer & Filipp, 1993) and the
'Freiburger Fragebogen zur Krankheitsverarbeitung' (FKV, Muthny,
1989) were compared in a cross-sectional study (including 224 heart patients in
rehabilitation). Both questionnaires are multidimensional (5 scales each) and
require approx. 15 minutes response time. Internal consistencies (with one
exception) were found to be sufficient or good (Cronbach's α from
0.66 to 0.81), those of the TSK (with a greater number of items per scale and
items in full sentences) a little bit higher. With respect to concurrent
validity the scales of the two questionnaires obviously measure different
dimensions (despite some similiar scale names) and show only low to moderate
correlations. Substantial relationships of coping scales with outcome criteria
like depression, anxiety and rehabilitation status were found for 'depressive
coping' of the FKV and 'rumination' of the TSK. While the
TSK show better reliability, the FKV can be applied in self-rating as well as
in ratings by experts and relatives and offers more comparative date in a broad
spectrum of fields and diseases.