Partizipative Entscheidungsfindung in der kardiovaskulären
Risikoprävention: Ergebnisse der Pilotstudie von ARRIBA-Herz, einer
konsultationsbezogenen Entscheidungshilfe für die allgemeinmedizinische
Abstract: Objectives: Several measures to prevent cardiovascular diseases are
well known. Although personal preferences are of crucial importance while
evaluating the course of action best to be taken, complex decision aids for
cardio-vascular prevention are rarely developed and validated. Methods: A transactional decision aid (named ARRIBA-Herz) for the
counseling situation in regard to cardiovascular preventive measures was
therefore developed. To include the most useful instruments in the patient
questionnaire of our cluster randomized trial to evaluate the decision aid, we
piloted the questionnaire with 155 patients after being counseled in regard to
prevention of cardiovascular diseases and other decisions, and 56 patients
after a consultation in which the decision aid was applied. Results: The Man Son Hing scale, developed in Canada and the US, and
the PEF-FB scale, currently being validated in Germany were the most useful
instruments to evaluate shared decision making in our study. Conclusion: The piloting of ARRIBA-Herz gives some evidence, that
its implementation leads to higher patient satisfaction with the decision
making process and the decision in regard to cardiovascular preventive
measures. This conclusion however has to be drawn very carefully, since the
comparison group was heterogeneous and was recruited shortly before the
intervention group. Some results of the piloting might contribute to further
developing the theoretical framework of the shared decision making process.
Keywords: Shared decision making, cardiovascular risk, transactional decision aid