Affiliations: [a] System Librarian, Lagos State University, Ojo - Lagos; (E): | [b] University Librarian, Lagos State University, Ojo - Lagos; (E): | [c] Senior Librarian, University Law Library, (LASU) Ojo - Lagos; (E): | [d] Senior Librarian, Technical Services Department, Lagos State University, (LASU) Ojo - Lagos, Nigeria; (E):
Abstract: The need for information arises when individuals can no longer manage with the knowledge that they possess. Library patrons repeatedly find themselves in situations where information is needed, sought and gathered, organized, retrieved, processed, evaluated, and subsequently utilized. The objectives of this study are to examine the information requirements of students in Lagos State University (LASU); assess both human and material resources in the library; determine the level at which the library satisfies the information needs of the users; and to find out best way(s) to meet these information needs in the age of information and communication technology (ICT). A total of 320 library users (students) from different departments and faculties were used as sample. Data was collected through a 20-item questionnaire which was developed based on objectives adopted. Approximately 280 duly completed questionnaires were returned in good condition and the subsequent data collected was analysed using frequency and percentages of responses. The findings revealed that LASU library patrons were more interested in information related to teaching, learning, and research activities. The investigation also revealed that the attitudes of the respondents were favourable in the use of LASU library resources but there is the need for improvement in such areas as library services and provision of adequate space for readers. It was found that majority of the respondents sought information from journals, textbooks, reference books rather than other library materials. The major obstacles faced by patrons while seeking information included lack of resource sharing facilities and equipments and inadequate ICT skills.
Keywords: Information needs, Information resources, Library services, Students, LASU