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Winter solstice: A time for reflection

I write this From the Editor on winter solstice, the longest night of the year; a time to incorporate nature, light, togetherness, and reflection. Some ways that I observe the winter solstice is spending time looking at the sky, lighting candles, and taking time for reflection. I decided to reflect on what it means to me to be the founding editor-in-chief of WORK. Being the founding editor-in-chief means holding a position of responsibility and influence in curating content that contributes to the professional and academic landscape. Working in collaboration with the publisher, IOS Press, the Editorial Board, and the assistant to the editor, it involves the task of ensuring the quality, relevance, and coherence of the published material. I am entrusted with the role of helping to guide the editorial process, making decisions on content selection, and maintaining a standard that aligns with the journal’s scope of practice and core value of being an author friendly journal. It means actively engaging with the diverse perspectives, fostering a collaborative environment, promoting the exchange of valuable ideas and knowledge. Overall, for the 34 years of being the editor-in-chief, I have been committed to upholding excellence, fostering intellectual growth, and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the construct of work. It is a role that is dear to me.

This issue contains 25 papers on topics such as road traffic crashes for occupational drivers, work-related musculoskeletal disorders, telework research, stress, fatigue, and computer workstation ergonomics. The Editors Choice paper is Measuring employment precariousness in gig jobs: A pilot study among food couriers in Brussels authored by Vandevenne and Vanroelen. The study’s objective was to adapt, test and validate the Employment Precariousness Scale (EPRES) to the context of food couriers in Belgium. According to the World Bank, up to 12% of the global labor market are gig workers. ( There are pros and cons to gig jobs. The pros are flexibility and diversity of opportunities. However, the cons are lack of job security, lack of benefits such as healthcare, and potentially precarious working conditions and in some areas, a saturated market. My own role as editor-in-chief is a gig job.

I hope you are enjoying our Learn at WORK podcast series. An upcoming episode will be with Dr. Jennifer Phillips who will discuss stigma in the workplace associated with obesity. Learn more about WORK on our website:

As always, I look forward to hearing from you.


Karen Jacobs

Founding Editor, WORK

Occupational therapist & ergonomist

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