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Digital citizens: Ensuring responsible and ethical generative artificial intelligence use

The use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT and Microsoft 365 copilot is very much in the news and perhaps on your mind. I recently participated in two educational programs to gain more insight. The first was a webinar hosted by our Boston University (BU) online post-professional doctoral in occupational therapy (PP-OTD) program titled, Digital Citizens: Ensuring Responsible AI Use. This thought-provoking webinar explored the ethical implications of generative AI and the duty of digital citizens in ensuring that AI is used responsibly. The webinar provided insights into the challenges and opportunities presented by AI and discussed the knowledge and skills needed to be responsible and ethical users of this powerful technology.

I was a member of the first panel discussion at the ChatGPT and Other AI Tools: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategies for Teaching Symposium 2023 hosted by the BU Center for Teaching and Learning and Digital Learning & Innovation ( This gave me the opportunity to share my excitement about the boundless opportunities in the use of generative AI as another teaching and learning tool, but also how disruptive it may feel. I believe that the use of generative AI will help foster critical inductive and deductive reasoning, provide quick access to a wealth of information and fosters self-directed learning. However, it will require the verification of information for accuracy, that is, checking sources to confirm they are reliable, valid and current, and that there needs to be transparency in identifying its use. I shared the education and use of generative AI in some of the courses contained in our BU online PP-OTD program which was the catalyst for the development of the Responsible and Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidance for Boston University Post-professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy (PP-OTD) Students. With full transparency, ChatGPT was used to develop an initial guideline using the prompt: Create a guideline for generative AI use for doctoral students. It was then revised and augmented by BU PP-OTD faculty to make the document relevant to our program. If you are interested in a copy of our guidelines, please send an e-mail to This is a developing document which I envision will be evolving as generative AI advances.

The concluding panel discussion featured Dr. Wesley Wildman, a BU Professor of Philosophy, Theology and Ethics, and of Computing and Data Sciences, School of Theology and the Faculty of Computing and Data Sciences. Dr. Wildman kindly agreed to be a guest on a recent episode of our College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College podcast, HealthMatters where he discussed generative AI: I know you will find the discussion fascinating.

The developing use of generative AI was the catalyst for us to create an AI policy for WORK:

Text generated from AI, machine learning, or similar algorithmic tools cannot be the original content in papers submitted to the journal. Nor does the journal accept figures, images, or graphics produced by such tools. However, AI tools can be used in the writing process to improve the readability and language. A disclosure should be added to the paper in case AI tools were used. AI programs should not be included in the author list, nor should they be cited. The authors are ultimately responsible for the contents of the paper. For more information, see the IOS Press Ethics Policy (

This issue contains 32 papers. The Editor’s Choice is Precarious employment, precarious life? A qualitative study exploring the perspective of temporary agency workers and their households authored by Kim Bosmans. Using in-depth (household) interviews among temporary agency workers in Belgium this study explored the broader impact of precarious employment on the life course, family and social life of households. As the author shared, “The results reveal that precarious employment influences the life course and family and social life in three ways: (1) by hindering or facilitating life course events and transitions of household members, (2) by influencing the daily life and household planning, and (3) by influencing the mood of household members.

I hope you are enjoying information on our WORK website at Our most recent Learn at WORK webinar: Awin-winperspective on workplace accommodations: RETAIN Kentuckys self-advocacy guide to promote successful return to work and stay at work outcomes for workers with disabilities is available at: = -XJ77c0LqbQ&ab_channel = LearnAtWorkWebinars.

Finally, I am delighted to announce a Call for Papers for a special issue on Complimentary medicine for work, function and health. Editorial Board member, Dr. Valerie Rice is the guest editor and welcomes efficacy and case studies and more. Submissions are due by September 1, 2023. For more information, see:

As always, I welcome hearing from you.
