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Ergoecology: evolution and challenges


This work details the conceptual and methodological evolution of ‘Ergoecology’ and its relationship to certain comparable disciplinary proposals and standards, with a view to making its current status known and fostering discussion and development of it in a broader context. ‘Ergoecology’ is a discipline which relates the ergonomic system to ‘environmental factors’, stressing the relationships between ecological-geographical aspects and human activities. After analyzing previouslydeveloped and partially-validated methods, strengths are established, together with areas where there is room for improvement, based on conceptual validity. The objectives, principles, and premises of ‘Ergoecology’ will be revised and therefore it will be able to be compared with other disciplinary and regulatory developments. Finally, new concepts and notions are proposed, together with basic principles and axioms that will enable ‘Ergoecology’ to advance in both, the theoretical and the practical dimensions, leaving the door open to be disseminated and applied.