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Prevalence of cervicobrachial discomforts in elementary school teachers


Objective: To determine the incidence of cervicobrachial order discomforts in Elementary Public School teachers from 1st to 4th years in the city of Pato Branco - PR. Methods: Cross-sectional study made with 160 public school teachers from 1st to 4th years in the city of Pato Branco - PR. Data collection was made from a structured questionnaire, and a physical examination with manual palpation and orthopedic tests. Results: The obtained data showed the presence of pain in the trapezius muscle region, on the left side, in 52.5%; and, on the right side, in 50.6%. The analysis also showed that there is a strong relationship between the cervicobrachial problems presented and the labor activity. The final evaluation of this study demonstrates the great need of primary care for these workers, that is, carrying out activities to prevent musculoskeletal diseases developed through work, either to preserve the individuals’ physical integrity or the quality of education. Conclusions: The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders was high among teachers. There is evidence that the prevalence was connected to job demands.