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New guidelines for health care for alcohol and drug users and the real work: possible contributions of ergonomics to the restructuring of work and competence development


The study investigated, through a literature review, how the research community has addressed the difficulties experiences by the teams in front of new prescriptions for the treatment of alcohol and drug users in Centers of Psyco-social Attention and discusses the relevance of the conceptual and methodological references of Ergonomics for understand and transform work situations. Such studies tend to do an analysis that does not account for variability present in both the workers and work organization and prioritize the analysis of final results of the, disqualifying local inventions due to tasks imposed by policy guidelines. It is estimated that the Ergonomics, considering the diversity of training, learning and experience, contributes to the implementation of media to promote the continued development of competences that can meet the demands of production and expands knowledge about the problems experienced and the possibilities of overcoming them.