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Cognition and asynchronous distribution between human and machine building accidents


The creation of meaning in communication is a trading activity, resulting from the construction that is born of the interaction between subjects. That is, the meaning is not inherent to the relationship between words, signs and symbols that arise from negotiating a necessary and unavoidable. As the concepts of sense as discrete and static representations imply a notion of classical computing and design of a cognitive system corresponding conceptions of meaning construction as located and shared among agents implies notions of different computing and cognition. Several efforts have been developed to meet these demands. Among them are the Connectionism (also known as neural networks. Records on aspects of mental health and stress of flight professionals are present in the official reports of the organs of investigation of aviation accidents worldwide since its inception. Problems related to health physical and mental health of pilots (fatigue, stress, physiological and psychosocial problems) account for 19% of causal factors in aircraft accidents. The training seems a paradox when we know that these professionals receive regular training, have high education and technical training of high level. However, problems arise related to the implementation of learning that can be influenced to reduce their cognitive capacity, making it in practice, relatively unable to exercise its functions effectively and safely.