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An office chair to influence the sitting behavior of office workers


Since the introduction of ergonomic guidelines in the design of office chairs, a lot of effort has been put in designing these office chairs accordingly. Because these features all have to be adjusted in different ways (mostly a knob underneath the seat surface), and because every office chair offers different solutions, often users do not use all of the adjustments, and thus do not use the office chair an the optimal ergonomic way. The aim of this paper is to study the influence of feedback on sitting habits of office workers in a field test during 4 weeks. 40 office workers were selected for this test (13 male, 27 female). They were divided in three groups. A control group, a group that received a sitting instruction and a group that received sitting instruction and feedback on their posture every hour that they sit. The results show that there is an effect in average increase in basic posture on both the group that received instruction and the group that received feedback. This effect decreases over time. There was no effect in the control group.