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Cognitive chrono-ethnography lite


Conducting field research facilitates understanding human daily activities. Cognitive Chrono-Ethnography (CCE) is a study methodology used to understand how people select actions in daily life by conducting ethnographical field research. CCE consists of measuring monitors’ daily activities in a specified field and in-depth interviews using the recorded videos afterward. However, privacy issues may arise when conducting standard CCE with video recordings in a daily field. To resolve these issues, we developed a new study methodology, CCE Lite. To replace video recordings, we created pseudo-first-personview (PFPV) movies using a computer-graphic technique. The PFPV movies were used to remind the monitors of their activities. These movies replicated monitors’ activities (e.g., locomotion and change in physical direction), with no human images and voices. We applied CCE Lite in a case study that involved female employees of hotels at a spa resort. In-depth interviews while showing the PFPV movies determined service schema of the employees (i.e., hospitality). Results indicated that using PFPV movies helped the employees to remember and reconstruct the situation of recorded activities.