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Ergonomic evaluation of a situation of coexposure to solvents and noise in a printing of flexible packaging


The purpose of this paper is to present an ergonomic evaluation of a situation of co-exposure to solvents and noise in a flexible packaging printer. We discuss how such an approach carried out in the field of printing industry work has made it possible to highlight serious shortcomings in the effectiveness of the prevention actions that are supposed to protect workers from chemicals risks and noise. The ergonomic analysis identified a strain working conditions. Indeed, some jobs expose to noise and toxic risk. Lamination operations, winding and cutting are purveyors of noise. Some physical and spatial factors contribute to amplify the toxic risk. The not wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) by the operators maybe explained by the fact that it doesn’t any possibility to do “otherwise”. Indeed, operators adopt a compromise to achieve the objectives of production to the detriment of their health and safety. These constraints are causing gene and psychosocial factors. The interviews revealed a state of psychosis in the workshop, which was accentuated by the reclassification of an operator which has created a climate of panic and anxiety especially for older operators who have more than 20 years exposed to handling of toxic and more exposure to high noise level.