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Penalized logistic regression based on L1/2 penalty for high-dimensional DNA methylation data



DNA methylation is a molecular modification of DNA that is vital and occurs in gene expression. In cancer tissues, the 5’–C–phosphate–G–3’(CpG) rich regions are abnormally hypermethylated or hypomethylated. Therefore, it is useful to find out the diseased CpG sites by employing specific methods. CpG sites are highly correlated with each other within the same gene or the same CpG island.


Based on this group effect, we proposed an efficient and accurate method for selecting pathogenic CpG sites.


Our method aimed to combine a L1/2 regularized solver and a central node fully connected network to penalize group constrained logistic regression model. Consequently, both sparsity and group effect were brought in with respect to the correlated regression coefficients.


Extensive simulation studies were used to compare our proposed approach with existing mainstream regularization in respect of classification accuracy and stability. The simulation results show that a greater predictive accuracy was attained in comparison to previous methods. Furthermore, our method was applied to over 20000 CpG sites and verified using the ovarian cancer data generated from Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation 27K Beadchip. In the result of the real dataset, not only the indicators of predictive accuracy are higher than the previous methods, but also more CpG sites containing genes are confirmed pathogenic. Additionally, the total number of CpG sites chosen is less than other methods and the results show higher accuracy rates in comparison to other methods in simulation and DNA methylation data.


The proposed method offers an advanced tool to researchers in DNA methylation and can be a powerful tool for recognizing pathogenic CpG sites.


DNA methylations occur at cytosine which might affect the modifications of DNA molecules. In this process, the gene expressions can be regulated without changing the DNA sequences. In particular, the related gene silencing of DNA methylations is a well-accepted epigenetic mechanism that often occurs at tumor suppressor genes loci in human cancers [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Recently, some high-throughput DNA methylation platforms have generated amounts of DNA methylation data and mostly based on genotyping bisulfite converted DNA. In this paper, one of the popular platforms, Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation 27K array, was used. Additionally, the β-values indicate the methylation status of the CpG sites within the array while each site’s value is calculated by the average of approximately 30 replicates [6]. Every individual β-value is a continuous variable between 0 and 1, where zero means unmethylated and one means methylated.

To date, researchers have selected methylated sites by statistical classification approaches [7, 8, 9]. Even though most of the CpG sites display various degrees of methylation, only a few gene expressions change. The statistical approaches therefore are difficult to find relevant CpG sites from high-dimensional data, making the statistical approaches not suitable for methylation data. In order to select CpG sites, different parameter models were utilized by researchers to represent diverse status of the samples [10]. Methylation data expresses different features from gene expression data. Firstly, the DNA methylation data has a group effect feature among CpG sites based on gene groups and CpG island groups. Secondly, the DNA methylation data values range between 0 and 1. Based on these features, Sun [11] has proposed a procedure that merged the L1 penalty and squared L2 penalty to select methylated CpG sites.

With the Illumina HumanMethylation 27K array, each gene has about 1–25 correlated CpG sites and each CpG island has about 2–11 CpG sites. Based on these aspects of DNA methylation data, a L1/2 penalized logistic regression model has been introduced to select potentially diseased pathogenic CpG sites within one gene. The L1/2 regularization can be represented by Lq (0 <q< 1) regularization and has exhibited properties for instance unbiasedness, sparsity and oracle [12]. Additionally, the sparsity of the L1/2 regularization is better than L1 regularization [12, 13, 14]. Based on the L1/2 penalized logistic regression model, we used the proposed network structure (the central node fully connected network) to describe the two correlated CpG sites’ patterns, one is based on the gene group, whilst the other is based on the CpG island group. The proposed method is designed to select CpG sites by group effect that associate with diseases. The aimed method has a finer specificity than present methods, as it for instance has the potential to select more relevant genes.



In this research, n samples were used, D={(X1,y1),(X2,y2),,(Xn,yn) where Xi=(xi1,xi2,,xip) is the methylation β-value of the i-th sample and p represents the total number of CpG sites, the dependent variable yi is a binary variable where 0 implies controls and 1 implies cases. The logistic regression is:


where φ is the regression coefficients. The logistic log-likelihood is defined as:


φ was obtained by minimizing the log-likelihood. In high dimensional application, it is not appropriate to solve the logistic model directly and may result in overfitting. Hence, the regularization approaches are employed to aim at the overfitting problem. The sparse logistic regression can be laid out as Eq. (2) when a regularization term is added:


where P(φ) is the penalty function.

Lasso (L1) and L2, a well-recognized regularization approach was used in previous methods. The L2 does not have sparsity and L1 has a sparsity less than Lq (0 <q< 1). Nonetheless, when q lies closer to zero, results show a sparser Lq and subsequently more challenging to converge. Therefore, some researchers [12] investigated the properties of Lq (0 <q< 1) regularization and demonstrated the L1/2 regularization is particularly essential and crucial. The performance between Lq penalty and L1/2 has no significant diversity whereas the L1/2 regularization is much more facile to solve. Accordingly, the L1/2 regularization can be laid out as Lq (0 <q< 1) regularization which exhibits unbiasedness as well as oracle properties [12, 13, 14]. In high-dimensional DNA methylation data, disease-related CpG sites are very limited and therefore, in practice, the L1/2 penalty methodology would be more significant than the L0, L1 and L2 approaches. Consequently, the L1/2 penalty was favored in our logistic regression model.

Some methods have been provided in order to tackle highly correlated variables. Elastic net penalty (L1+L2) and HLR (L1/2+L2) emphasizes a grouping effect and tend to smooth the coefficient profiles. However, the pathway information was neglected in these methods. To merge CpG sites deduction into the analysis of high-demensional methylation data, we extended a network-based regularization technique designed for the L1/2 penalty.

The methylation data displays a strong group effect and thus previous research used a fully connected network ( to describe the correlated CpG sites group patterns within a gene. In methylation data, the group effect of CpG sites is not only present within one gene and present within one CpG island. There are overlapping parts between groups and these overlapping parts correlate with both parts respectively. With the different previous network, we set the overlapping part as the central node and connect it with other correlated parts (Fig. 1). The network not only has the genome information or CpG island information, but also the two aspects of information integrated into the network. It can better reflect the relevance of CpG site.

Figure 1.

a. Previous fully connected network. b. Central node fully connected network.

a. Previous fully connected network. b. Central node fully connected network.

The network information is represented in a graphed structure with p-dimensional Laplacian matrix L={lab}. It is defined as:

l𝑎𝑏*={1𝑖𝑓a=b𝑎𝑛𝑑da0-(dadb)-1/2if a and b are linked with each other0𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒

where da is the total number of connections at vertex a in graph.

The penalty function in Eq. (3) is:


where ||||1/2 is a L1/2 norm and ab illustrate the variables which are linked to the a-th predictor. The sparsity and smoothness are controlled by the parameters λ1 and λ2.

The effectiveness of the penalty function reduced significantly when two negatively correlated predictors are interacted; the signs of coefficients are thus predicted and added to the Laplacian matrix to overcome problem:

lab*={1𝑖𝑓a=b𝑎𝑛𝑑da0-𝑠𝑔𝑛(φa*)𝑠𝑔𝑛(φb*)(dadb)-1/2if a and b are linked with each other0𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒

The adaptive net function can be written as:


Based on |βa|𝑠𝑔𝑛(βa*)βa for βaβa*, the adaptive penalty function can be written as:


2.2The coordinate descent algorithm

To solve regularization models, the coordinate descent algorithm adopted as a competent tool. Regarding the coordinate descent algorithm, we referred to previous research [15, 16, 11] and Eq. (2) can be linearized by Taylor series expansion at current estimates φ*:


where zi=xiTφ*+(yi-f*(xi))/wi, wi=f*(xi)(1-f*(xi)), f*(xi)=𝑒𝑥𝑝(xiTφ*)/(1+𝑒𝑥𝑝(xiTφ*)).

Next, the estimator:


where z~i(a)=jixijφj*, g(a)=ab|φb*|dadb and s(σ,γ) is an enhanced L1/2 thresholding operator for the coordinate descent algorithm [12, 13, 14].


where ϕγ(σ)=𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠((γ/8)(|σ|/3)2/3).

3.Results and discussion

3.1Analyses of simulated data

The performance of the proposed simulation study quoting the simulation from Teschendorff et al. [17] and Su and Wang [11] was analyzed and evaluated. There were 600 groups, which were divided into 100 groups, 150 groups and 7 sets of 50 groups in accordance to their number of CpG sites. Each group comprised of at least 1 CpG site up to 9 CpG sites reciprocally. In total, there were 2500 CpG sites.

First, we simulated variables with the group effect ranging between 0 and 1. So we performed an inverse logit transformation on a multivariate normal distribution variable to represent the β-values of the i-th CpG site in the g-th group.


where sg is the size of group, i.e. 1sg9. In this simulation model, we set μ=(-1,,-1)T, xi,g ranging between 0 (unmethylated) to 1 (completely methylated). The relationship of CpG sites within group is shown by σ. The covariance matrix σ is presented as follows:

  • (1) σ=ρ|a-b|,ρ= 0.2, 0.5, 0.7.

  • (2) σ=ρ for a b and and σ=1 for a=b, ρ= 0.2, 0.5, 0.7.

The first condition is autoregressive (AR) model, and the second condition is compound symmetric correlation model. We set three different correlation coefficients ρ= 0.2, 0.5 and 0.7 for all conditions [18, 19].

Second, given the regression coefficients φ based on previous research, φg=(φ1,g,,φpg,g)T is the coefficient of CpG sites within the g-th group. After that, one group from each of the 9 different groups was selected to set the regression coefficients. At this step, there were 45 CpG sites which have been assigned the regression coefficients value. The regression coefficients φk,g are presented as:

φk,g={sg-0.5(-1)kδ,for allk=1,,sg𝑖𝑓sgis even numbersg-0.5δ,for allk=1,,sg𝑖𝑓sgis odd number

when δ is the strength of the true signals. The other sets of regression coefficients were set to 0.

In the simulation models, there were 45 pathogenic CpG sites in a total of 2500 CpG sites. Lastly, the yi is given by Bernoulli distribution. For each simulation set, there were 200 cases and 200 controls. There were nine simulation conditions based on different parameters, for instance the strength of the true signals.

Table 1

The total area under the averaged ROC curves (AUC) and MSE for all models

δ σ ρ LassoEnet L1+ L1/2 HLR (L1/2+L2) L1/2+
1AR(1)0.20.8060.2730.8470.2380.8500.2390.8090.2600.8530.254 0.860 0.197
1AR(1)0.50.8710.2130.8850.2060.8880.1970.8560.2250.9330.161 0.954 0.116
1AR(1)0.70.8980.1870.9060.1850.9090.1750.9170.1690.9420.149 0.962 0.101
2AR(1)0.20.8060.2730.8600.2370.8660.2200.8090.2600.8690.213 0.921 0.155
2AR(1)0.50.8710.2730.8890.2370.9030.2200.9180.1670.9530.134 0.975 0.085
2AR(1)0.70.8980.1870.9040.1770.9120.1680.9170.1690.9530.133 0.970 0.089
2CS0.20.8520.2260.8790.2070.8890.1930.8200.2570.8930.197 0.936 0.139
2CS0.50.8990.1810.9130.1630.9190.1570.8950.1820.9610.128 0.969 0.097
2CS0.70.9240.1620.9270.1570.9340.1470.9150.1710.9570.125 0.979 0.080

Figure 2.

The ROC curve of every model.

The ROC curve of every model.

We repeated simulations 100 times for each condition. We then used the 10-fold cross-validation (CV) approach in the training set in order to tune the optimal regularization parameters of the Lasso, Elastic-Net (Enet),, L1/2, HLR (L1/2+L2), L1/ Note that, the Enet,, HLR (L1/2+L2) and L1/ methods have two-dimensional parameter surfaces in the 10-CV approach. Afterwards, the logistic regressions with the estimated tuning parameters were employed to build different classifiers. Lastly, the attained classifiers were adopted to the test set for further classification and prediction.

Table 2

The AUC of real data for each method

LassoEnet L1+ L1/2 HLR (L1/2+L2) L1/2+ central node

Figure 3.

The histogram of correlation between CpG sites.

The histogram of correlation between CpG sites.

Figure 2 shows the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve) for every model. The green solid line (L1/ is closer to the upper left corner in the system than other line. So the effect of L1/ is at optimal for the other algorithm in each model. Table 1 shows the total area under the averaged ROC curves and the MSE of every model respectively. From Table 1 it can be seen that L1/ also has a very good performance within all models. In general, our proposed enhanced L1/2 model achieved preponderant accuracy rates in all models in comparison to the other methods (the Lasso, Enet,, L1/2 and HLR (L1/2+L2)).

Table 3

The top 20 CpG sites and the corresponding genes selected from the comparison between pre-treatment and normal control cases

Enet L1 + (gene) HLR (L1/2+L2) L1/2 + central node
cg1100973cg0237448 cg2079283 cg15616083cg02505409cg21493583 cg11804789 cg06409153
cg0498897 cg2007009 cg04988978 cg27303882cg06521852cg00201234cg24505527 cg05923103
(MPO) (S100A8) (MPO) (MYL4)(HRIHFB2122)(FBLN2)(NKIRAS2) (RNF11)
cg2079283 cg2706761cg0996492cg05294455cg08694544cg09638834 cg15853125 cg09497789
cg0996492cg0435376cg11009736cg13626881 cg15853125 cg14861570cg08694544cg13626881
cg0652185cg0224062cg14360917 cg11412582 cg21608192cg09964921cg07607462 cg11412582
cg0013453cg0619637cg03801286cg01405107cg09497789 cg04988978 cg20792833 cg15736165
cg1436091cg21126943cg06521852cg10494770 cg20792833 cg14319409 cg14027234 cg05105069
cg0097486cg2746119cg00201234cg04398282cg13626881cg23490074 cg04988978 cg21493583
cg2151705cg0529445cg00134539 cg14027234 cg2193281cg17231524cg06183267 cg03856723
(MGC11271)(MYL4)(KCNQ2)(CD248)(CSTA)(MGC39606)(AFF3) (PRKACA)

Figure 4.

The boxplot of correlation between CpG sites.

The boxplot of correlation between CpG sites.

3.2Analyses of real data

To further evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed method, in this section, we examined the DNA methylation (ovarian cancer) data generated from Illumina Infiniumm HumanMethylation 27K Beadchip [20]. The data is accessible from NCBI (

The data was generated by llumina Infiniumm HumanMethylation 27K Beadchip that contains 22727 CpG sites. We first removed samples which were low in BS conversion efficiency or low in CpG coverage. After that, a total of 207 genes contained more than 3 CpG sites and 295 CpG islands contained more than 3 CpG sites in the data; samples with error were removed. Lastly, there were 156 controls case samples (Healthy sample), 120 pre-treatment case samples and 122 post-treatment case samples. For these three cases, we calculated the maximum correlation of CpG sites in each group (gene and CpG island).

Figure 3a–c shows the histogram of maximum sample correlation between CpG sites within genes in control, pre-treatment and post-treatment case where Fig. 3d–f shows the histogram of maximum sample correlation between CpG sites within CpG islands in control, pre-treatment and post-treatment cases. Figure 4 shows the boxplot of maximum sample correlation between CpG sites in gene or CpG islands. Based on Figs 3 and 4, the results show that most CpG sites within the same group have high correlation in pre-treatment case samples and post-treatment case samples whereas the control case samples only show a significant correlation.

Table 4

The top 20 CpG sites and the corresponding genes selected from the comparison between post-treatment and normal control cases

Enet L1 + (gene) HLR (L1/2+L2) L1/2 + central node
cg06653796cg22988566cg10986043cg10467098cg02713563cg23125689 cg12711814 cg10777851
(LIME1)(WFDC10B)(TCAP)(Bles03)(TRAPPC6A)(CD81) (ENO1) (CD200)
cg10986043cg24335895cg23580000cg19573166cg06653796 cg04232649 cg12906740cg00636639
cg13379236cg19573166cg13379236cg15096140cg15489301cg25410053 cg14838256 cg17133388
(EGF)(SLC22A17)(EGF)(MYO1B)(AKR1B10)(ZIC3) (SRD5A2L) (C3orf28)
cg20357806cg00134539cg12006284cg23506842cg20630655cg14132995 cg23917399 cg19514928
cg12243271cg13247990cg21640749 cg23917399 cg25919221cg13435792cg09816912cg04232649
(CFI)(MLCK)(CD300LF) (TNFAIP8) (CA6)(C12orf46)(MARCKS)(CCNG1)

Table 2 shows the AUC for each method from real data analysis. In real data, the enhanced L1/2 model also achieved higher accuracy rates. Tables 3 and 4 show the top 20 selected CpG sites for all methods. We further validated the chosen genes from the GeneCards Database ( In Table 3, when comparing pre-treatment cases with controls, the algorithm L1/2+ central node (gene and CpG island) found various genes (TIAM1 [21, 22], CST7 [25], TCEAL7 [23, 24] and RNF11 [26]) that were not found by (gene) and Enet. Likewise, HLR (L1/2+L2) was unable to find these genes (CST7, TCEAL7 and RNF11) where these genes (TIAM1, CST7, TCEAL7 and RNF11) were found to be correlated with cancer in previous research. On one hand, all methods were able to find genes (MPO [27, 28], PTPRCAP [29]); on the other hand, network penalty methods were able to find genes (CD248 [31] and HOXB5 [32]). In Table 4, our algorithm L1/2+ central node (gene and CpG island) also found genes (CD200 [30], SRD5A2L [34], ENO1 [33]) which have not been found in and Enet. Additionally, gene CD200 and gene SRD5A2L also proved to be related to cancer. The L1+ and L1/2+ central node (gene and CpG island) algorithm, which has gene and island network information, also found gene (TNFAIP8 [35]) which was not found by Enet/HLR.

4. Conclusion

In biological molecular research, the analysis of DNA methylation may be a new practice for cancer research. In this paper, we used the enhanced L1/2 penalized logistic regression model to extract divergently methylated CpG sites between healthy controls and ovarian cancer cases. We constructed the central node fully connected network which combines with genome information and CpG island information. We have advanced the corresponding coordinate descent algorithm suited for real DNA methylation data. This method not only has the L1/2 penalty sparser than L1, it also has more CpG sites relationship information. In real data, we used ovarian cancer samples with over 20,000 CpG sites. Even though the quantity of the selected CpG sites was less than previous methods, more corresponding CpG sites within genes selected were potentially associated with cancers. Therefore, by comparing to traditional methods, our method clearly achieved a higher predictive accuracy. Therefore, the proposed method offers an advanced tool to researchers in DNA methylation and can be a powerful tool for recognizing pathogenic CpG sites.


The Macau Science and Technology Develop Funds (grant no. 0158/2019/A3) of Macau SAR of China supported this work.

Conflict of interest

None to report.



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