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Issue title: Assistive Technology and Persons with Developmental Disabilities
Article type: Research Article
Authors: Sevcik, Rose A.a; * | Romski, Mary Anna | Collier, Vickib | Rayfield, Cherryb | Nelson, Bettyb | Walton-Bowe, Annb | Jordan, Dottieb | Howell, Maryannb | Ross, Joanb
Affiliations: [a] Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA | [b] Clayton County Schools, Morrow Annex, 2260 Old Rex-Morrow Rd., Morrow, GA 30260, USA
Correspondence: [*] Corresponding author. Tel: + 1 404 2445838; Fax: + 1 404 2445752.
Abstract: Project FACTT (Facilitating Augmentative Communication Through Technology) is a model school-based program for the delivery of augmented language development services to children with mental retardation. As an outgrowth of a longitudinal study of augmented language development, Project FACTT has translated scientific principles into practice. FACTT's philosophy is that technology, coupled with innovative instructional strategies, can enhance the quality of a child's life by promoting increased communicative independence across a variety of environments. This article illustrates Project FACTT's successful components and service delivery practices. Project outcomes, in terms of student achievements, and future directions are also presented.
Keywords: Developmental disabilities, Augmentative communication
DOI: 10.3233/TAD-1995-43-406
Journal: Technology and Disability, vol. 4, no. 3-4, pp. 233-241, 1995
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