Affiliations: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Ret.), Washington, DC 20551, USA. E-mail:
Abstract: For many years, the cross-sectional Survey of Consumer Finances has shown
relatively weak or inconsistent changes in the shape of the distribution of
net worth, despite many shifts in income and other economic factors. In
2009, households that had taken part in the 2007 SCF were re-interviewed to
obtain information on the changes in their financial condition over the
period of the intervening financial crisis. Looked at as a second cross
section, the 2009 data show a pattern of wealth distribution very similar in
shape to what had been seen in the earlier cross sections. Between the two
years, however, there was considerable variation in the relative positions
of households within the wealth distribution. This paper presents data on
the changed situation of households and it decomposes the observed wealth
changes in terms of underlying portfolio shifts.