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Introduction to Physiotherapy Practice and Research volume 45 issue 2

Thank you for taking the time to read the latest issue of Physiotherapy Practice and Research.

We look forward to you taking the time to read this volume. Firstly, we have a commentary on systematic reviews of surgical versus non-surgical management of proximal humerus fractures in older adults. And in more musculoskeletal news we have a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of virtual reality in patients with chronic low back pain.

For those interested in cardiorespiratory physiotherapy, we have an interesting survey on the perceptions and knowledge of lung volume reduction procedures for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among healthcare professionals in the Republic of Ireland. In addition we have an article on the effects of virtual cardiac rehabilitation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To round this volume, we have a scoping review of cane use in people post stroke, an investigation into the influence of biological sex, anthropometrics, footwear, and dual tasking on balance, patient perceptions of hospital based student led physiotherapy treatment and functional ankle taping for plantar foot ulcer healing in diabetic patients.

Thank you for reading Physiotherapy Practice and Research, we hope you enjoy this issue and future issues to come.

Dr Orlagh O’Shea

Dr Jonathan Moran
