Affiliations: Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
Corresponding author: Sourin P. Dutta, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B3P4. E-mail:
Abstract: Several physiological factors, such as wrist, back, and neck injuries, and vision strain contributing to lost workdays in different types of industries using video display terminals (VDTs) were examined using multi-regression model. The developed linear multi-regression model showed that the presence or absence of neck injuries data gives the same result, although the data of neck injuries were highly correlated with dependent variable, workdays lost in comparison with other independent variables. The most important result from this model showed that the combination of back injuries and vision strain data have high correlation coefficient value. The position of worker's back affects his/her vision strain. Findings of this study show that wrist, and back injuries, and vision strain are the main contributors to the workdays lost. Since the numbers of workers using VDT are going up due to advanced technologies, the number of injuries related with VDT will go up dramatically if necessary actions are not taken.
Keywords: Wrist, back and neck injuries, vision strain, workdays lost, video display terminals, regression model