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Proanthocyanidin Metabolism, a mini review


There is emerging evidence suggesting that consumption of beverage and food rich in polyphenol may offer protective effects against various neurodegenerative, cardiovascular diseases and cancers. Proanthocyanidins (PACs) are one of the most abundant polyphenol in human diets, but also one of the least absorbed polyphenol mostly due to their size and structure complexity. PACs or condensed tannins are oligomers and polymers of monomeric unit flavan-3-ol (+)-catechin or (−)-epicatechin. To date, the absorption and metabolism of PACs are still remains largely unknown. The aim of this mini review was to highlight the absorption and metabolism of PACs, their effect in the gut and sample preparation for analysis. Ultimately, the potential bioactivities derived from the interaction between PACs metabolites and the gut microbiota warrants further investigation.