Affiliations: Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka
University, Hamamatsu 432-8011, Japan. E-mail:
Abstract: This article is devoted to tangible interfaces for steering and
control of interactive multimedia presentations. Various methods for digital
encoding of physical objects are considered and their applicability in surface
encoding for tangible interface components is discussed. Experiments with
presentation controls, based on direct interaction with digitally encoded
printed handouts are reported. An innovative approach for transferring
presentation controls from printed handouts to surfaces of real physical
objects is introduced. Consequently labels, digitally enhanced with CLUSPI
codes are created and presentation control trials involving real products with
digitally encoded surfaces are conducted. USB and wireless cameras are employed
as CLUSPI readers for implementing surface based interactions and a portable
communication device with an embedded camera is considered as a possible truly
mobile solution.
Keywords: Direct interaction methods, digital surface encoding, multimedia presentation controls, tangible interface components, CLUSPI codes