Affiliations: Nokia Inc, 6000 Connection Dr, Irving, TX 75039, USA.
E-mail: | Truveo Inc, An AOL Company, 333 Bush Street, San
Francisco, CA 94104, USA. E-mail:
Note: [] Corresponding author
Abstract: The threat of malware on mobile devices is gaining attention
recently. It is important to provide security solutions to these devices before
these threats cause widespread damage. However, mobile devices have severe
resource constraints in terms of memory and power. Hence, even though there are
well developed techniques for malware detection on the PC domain, it requires
considerable effort to adapt these techniques for mobile devices. In this
paper, we outline the considerations for malware detection on mobile devices
and propose a signature based malware detection method. Specifically, we detail
a signature matching algorithm that is well suited for use in mobile device
scanning due to its low memory requirements. Additionally, the matching
algorithm is shown to have high scanning speed which makes it unobtrusive to
users. Our evaluation and comparison study with the well known Clam-AV scanner
shows that our solution consumes less than 50% of the memory used by Clam-AV
while maintaining a fast scanning rate.
Keywords: Malware, signature detection, mobile and security