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Keyword Index Volume 15 (2016)

ab initio 87

acetonitrile 221

adsorption 347

AFM 47

AgNPs 47

alizarin derivatives 17

aluminum 1, 87

4-amino-1, 2, 4-triazole 287

amorphous materials 125

antibacterial activity 139

antifertility 163

antihypertesives 335

antimicrobial investigations 267

antimicrobial 35

arsenic 365

asymmetric 375

azides 287

bis(sulfonyl) imide 375

BNPP and DNA 315

boron nitride nano-cluster 347

boron nitride 191

C18 column 209

cadmium 35

cadmium (II) 179

Calotropis procera 267

carbocation 87

cationic templates 67

charge transfer reaction 17

chemical reactivity 97

cocsuline 97

column liquid chromatography 209

compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) 117

complex 35

composite materials 125

coordination polymer 257

copper 1, 131

Copper(II), 1, 2, 4-Triazole 355

crown ether 315

crystal 355

crystal structure 325

crystalline structure 57

cyanobacteria 153

3D coordination polymer 179

DDT 131

density functional calculation 257

density functional theory 191, 347

deposition time 231

DLS 47

electrical conductivity 57

electrical properties 301

electronic structure 107, 347

energetic salt 325

equilibrium 87

fungitoxicity 163

furazan 325

GC-MS 139

germanium 275

hexacoordinate tin 163

1H-NMR 139

honeybee 75

HPLC 335

hydrolases 315

hydrolysis 315

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) 117

interstellar molecule 221

IR 153

iron 131

isonicotinic acid 1

Karnak soil 365

ketenimine 221

lanthanum complex 315

lithium imide 375

low temperature fuel cells 125

macroalgae 139

mercury (II) iodide 257

mercury analysis 117

metallic mercury 117

method validation 209

methylation 87

MIC 139

molecular docking 97


multi-drug resistance 75

nano CdO 179

nano coordination compound 197

nano flower 179

nano lead(II) oxide 197

nanomicrosphere 295

nanoparticle 1, 131

nanostructures 107, 191

optical properties 57, 301

oxide 1

ozone 347

pericyclic reaction 221

pH 153

pharmaceutical formulations 17

pharmaceutical preparation 209, 335

PHB 153

phenethylamine 163

photocatalysis 295

phytochemical analysis 267

polymer electrolyte 375

poultry 365

precursors 231

propolis 75

proton pump inhibitors 17

purine bases 35

pyridine bases 35


quantum dot 275

roxarsone 365

self-assembly 67

semiconductors 107

silica 275

simultaneous determination 335

single-ion 375

SnxSy thin films 231

solar cell 275

solid acids 125

solid-state synthesis 301

sonochemical 179

sotalol HCl 209

spectrophotometry 17

square planar 257

stability 231

Staphylococcus aureus 75

starvation 153

supramolecular interaction 197

supramolecular polymer 67

surface properties 107

synthesis 163

TEM 153

tetrahedral geometry 257

tetrazole 325

thermal 355

thermoanalysis 325

thin film 57, 275

tin oxide 295

tin sulfide 231

ultrasonic spray 57, 231

ultrasonic 197

vibrational analysis 97

vibrational spectra 191

water treatment 131

XRD 47

zinc 287

zinc borates 301

Zizyphus mauritiana 47

ZnO 57