Affiliations: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Niigata
University, 8050 Ikarashi-2, Niigata, 950-2181, Japan. E-mail: | R&D Center, DMW Corporation, 3-27, Miyoshi, Mishima,
Shizuoka, 411-8560, Japan
Abstract: The performance of PIV system for combusting flow was evaluated by
using artificial images generated from computer graphics and experimental data.
The influences of shutter speed, filter, laser power and the PIV algorithms on
the measurement uncertainty were studied for optimizing the performance of the
PIV system. This system was applied to the spray combustor model for boiler,
and the flow patterns with and without combustion were elucidated. Results
showed that the burner flow generates complex three-dimensional flow pattern,
which contributes to highly mixed fuel flow in the combustor. Although the flow
pattern with and without combustion is similar, the growth of burner flow area
and an increase in velocity magnitude are found in the flow field by the
influence of chemical reactions in combustion.