Affiliations: Gdansk University of Technology, Narutowicza 11/12,
80952 Gdansk, Poland. E-mail: | Klüber Lubrication Polska/Poland | FH Stralsund, Zur Schwedenschanze 15, 18435 Stralsund,
Abstract: A study on flow field measurement around growing and rising vapour
bubbles by use of PIV technique is presented. Bubbles were generated from
single artificial cavities. Experiments have been conducted with saturated
boiling of distilled water at atmospheric pressure. In the experiment fluid
velocity field surrounding the bubbles was visualized by use of polyamide
tracer particles and a sheet of a YAG pulse laser beam. The images were
recorded with a cross-correlation CCD-camera. It has been shown that for lower
heat flux density bubble growths in an almost quiescent bulk of liquid. For
higher heat flux density the train of bubbles creates a vapour column with
strong wake effect. Maximum liquid velocity recorded is approximately equal to
the terminal velocity of bubble rising in a stagnant liquid.