Affiliations: Convective and Wave Processes Laboratory, Heat and
Mass Transfer Institute, P. Brovki 15, Minsk, Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
220072, Belarus. E-mail: | Shock Wave Research Center, Institute of Fluid
Science, Tohoku University, Katahira 2-1-1, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8577, Japan.
E-mail: | Department of Neurosurgery, Tohoku University School
of Medicine, Sendai, Japan | Department of Orthopedy, Belarusian State Medical
University, Minsk, Belarus
Abstract: Joint development of a laser monitor for the real-time bio-tissue
analysis is presented. The monitor is based on the digital dynamic laser
speckle photography and deals with soft and hard bio-tissues. In soft tissues,
the dynamic bio-speckles are formed in a scattered from a tissue laser light.
An optically transparent model of hard bio-tissue was prepared and preliminary
analysis of a stress field in the stressed model was performed using the
dependence of the refractive index of transparent solids upon the state of
stress and the double exposure speckle photography data. The refractive index
of the stressed material was evaluated and the state of stress was
reconstructed using the stress-optical law.