Injection of Single and Multiple Vortices in an Opposed-Jet
Issue title: International Conference on Optical Technology
and Image Processing in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow, Yokohama, Japan,
December 1998
Affiliations: Air Force Research Laboratory, Propulsion Directorate,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7103, USA | Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc., 2766 Indian
Ripple Road, Dayton, OH 45440-3638, USA | Laboratoire dÉnergétique
Moléculaire et Macroscopique, Combustion, École Centrale Paris
and CNRS, Grande Voie des Vignes, 92295 Châtenay-Malabry Cedex,
Abstract: A thorough understanding of turbulent reacting flows is essential to
the continued development of practical combustion systems. Combustor codes can
be validated using data such as those generated in this study of a vortex
interacting with a nonpremixed, opposed-jet hydrogen-air flame. When
experimental results are compared with model predictions, the underlying
flowfield must be matched carefully. Since the vortex-injection process used in
the present experiments can result in many types of vortices, including
multiple vortices, restrictions on the experimental operation of the burner are
required as well as careful vortex characterization. Vortex-characterization
data are acquired using digital, two-color particle-image velocimetry (PIV),
and the hydroxyl (OH) layer produced by the flame is imaged using planar
laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF). The PIV and OH PLIF measurements are
performed simultaneously. Good agreement with previous numerical-modeling
predictions is obtained when experiments and computations are performed using
similar vortex conditions.